Star Wars Episode 7 “The Force Awakens” makes an impact

March 3, 2016
The seventh episode of Star Wars came out on December 18th 2015. This episode of Star Wars had a huge impact on the fans of the movie. The budget cost of the movie was 200,000,000 dollars. This may sound like a lot, but in the opening weekend of the movie, the box office made 247,966,675 dollars, which in only two days profited 47 million dollars. The worldwide box office so far has almost hit the 2 billion dollar mark.
The closest previous star wars episode getting close to episode 7 is episode three, which came out on May 19th, 2005. This movie cost 115,000,000 dollars to produce, but unlike Star Wars 7, Episode 3 did not make their money back opening weekend. ($108,435,841) The total worldwide box office for episode three made 848,998,877 dollars. Episode 7 more than doubles this value, showing how much excitement and popularity Star Wars has gained.
Below is an interesting read from titled, “How ‘Star Wars’ Changed the World”