SADD sponsors Red Ribbon Week to encourage positive choices

December 11, 2015
This year for SADD students that held the annual Red Ribbon Week at the High School and Elementary school. The themes this year were Monday- Jersey Day: Support positive choices and your favorite team! Tuesday- Hat Day: Put a cap on DRUGS! Wednesday- Western Day: Lasso your friends and make fun positive choices! Thursday- Crazy Sock Day: Sock it to DRUGS! Friday- Costume Day for Halloween! It’s no trick…. Treat yourself to a safe and healthy night!
Also, this year many different high school students got the chance to go down to the elementary school and teach the little kids to say “NO” to Drugs. They had the younger students write on paper clouds what their future dreams or plans are when they grow up. Then they also had students sign a little campaign pledge to pledge that they would not do drugs or anything when they are older.
At the high school we had different pledges as well that included a little game that got the students involved. The game students got to play was from SADD. Students placed different stickers under the chairs and if they got a certain sticker, students got to win certain prizes. It was a great reminder to continue to make positive choices.