Advisors of SADD are Mrs. Reyes and Mrs. Morelli and plan many of the activities held throughout the year! SADD is club that stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions. The purpose of SADD club is to protect lives and improve the general well being of the school and community. And this also organization is approved to assist you in earning one of your LOCAL seals for your diploma. Students pay a $5 membership fee to join SADD.
SADD has a lot activities that are fun and enjoyable, like Spirit Week themes and awareness activities for Red Ribbon Spirit Week that you can enjoy by matching any clothes that in the themes. This year the themes were hat day, twin day is wear the same clothes as your friends no matter duo or your friends group, Western Wednesday, and Halloween Costume Day.
They also held their annual safety belt awareness activity with the help of Officer Ruse called the Quick Click Challenge. The Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) and the Ohio School Safety Center (OSSC) are encouraging all high schools to participate in the Game of the Week Quick Click Challenge! Every week in October, high school students can send in videos of themselves completing the challenge in competition with other high schools throughout the state. A winner will be picked based on their time and creativity exhibited during the challenge and will be featured on the Department of Public Safety’s social media. Schools can submit the same video or submit a new video each week!
Alyson Zlenka
Landon Workman
Team 2:
Charlotte Lard
Katie Byers
Dylan Hovanec
Anthony Krol
Team 3:
Joy Mohr
Abby Bueno
Ryen Romigh
Sklyer Gaynor-Zerucha
Team 4: Winning Team 37.13 seconds
Olivia Newhard
Jack McDevitt
Charlie Saunders
Lucas Sokol

Another recent event that cannot be overlooked is the Community Trick or Treat on Halloween, held October 30th at 6 PM. Members and advisers donated candy or treats to give to the elementary school children, who would come dressed up to! Mrs. Morelli and Mrs. Reyes would like to thank all of their SADD members who participated in the annual SADD JMHS Trick or Treat event that night.
Mrs. Morelli stated, “We had a great turnout and enjoyed interacting with our community members! A special thank you to Officer Matt Ruse, Officer Leisa Story (North Jackson), Officer Nick Jones (Milton), and Officer Carson Carrell (Milton) for joining us and distributing treats, the children loved interacting with all of you!”
If you are looking for a fun club to join, consider joining SADD!