Jackson-Milton High school student council is a commitment, it’s fun, and an idea builder.
Mrs. Schneeman, the student council advisor, states, “I enjoy running student council and I also like to see the students I don’t have in class each day.”
Every year the student council feeds the Veterans on Veterans day, sponsors the Spring Fling which is a fun end of the day activity to play volleyball against different grades. They also sponsor the Red Cross Blood Drive allowing you to be able to donate blood and save peoples lives. Student Council is also in charge of the Homecoming and parade held the day of the football game and the dance held the day after night after the parade. When you have the opportunity to join Student Council take it, even if you don’t think you want to run for anything be a part of it. Being in the student council, the opportunities to meet new people and planning activities to do for the school and students is another big reason the upcoming and not all should have a chance to run and be in student council.
Tiffany Tingler stated, “Even if you don’t get a big role you all do similar things and get to participate.”
Abby Bueno, being a member of the student council, stated, “Advice I might give to aspiring student council members is to be patient and have fun, it is definitely something to look forward to!”
More advice to the upcoming high schoolers would be to run for everything no matter what, just so you have a chance to be a part of something great. This shows that even if you don’t always get a big role, being part of the student council is something to look forward to. Participating and planning in all of these events can make big changes in our society and school. The more people in the student council, the larger difference they can make.