Quiz Bowl Team Update 2020
February 27, 2020
The Jackson-Milton Quiz Bowl team has a new advisor this year, her name is Janet Yantes. She was joyous about this opportunity because she’s always liked trivia and the setup of the meets. The quiz bowl team is quite small but mighty.
Mrs. Yantes set goals for the team and they are as follows, “Grow the team as a whole, improve individual knowledge, and to enjoy the time they spend together.”
The quiz bowl team practices after school on Mondays. Their meets are on every Wednesday of the week and they usually last for about two hours from start to finish. The team consists of five students: Kent Gross, Brian Royea, Josh Demski, Nathaniel Smith, and Jacob Dudley. Each of these students have certain strong suits in a category, for example, Brian Royea is talented in pulp fiction, movies, drama and categories like that. Whereas, Nathaniel Smith is stronger in math and science.
The team has one final meet of the year coming up this Saturday. The team is so small, which most people would think is bad, but the team is so close because of this and it’s like a small family.
Student and quiz bowl team member, Brian Royea states, “Everyone on this team has helped me in some kind of way, whether it’s been inside or outside of quiz bowl, all of them have a friend in me.”
The quiz bowl team is definitely one committed group, going to do trivia of hard topics after a long day at school is not something everyone wants to do, but the kids that joined definitely don’t regret it.
If you love trivia, sign up for Quiz Bowl next season!