National Honor Society supports students at Buddy Walk

NHS Students pictured with their buddy Curtis

Joseph Williams

NHS, (National Honors Society) has events for many different causes. NHS decided to start going to the Buddy Walk this year. The Buddy Walk is an event for children with Downs syndrome. This event takes place at the Niles Scrappers Stadium. The date of the event changes often yearly, but was on Sept. 22 this year. These kids have a day for themselves including food, drinks, activities, etc. The biggest part of it is the walk. The Buddy Walk got its name for the walk that happens at the end. All the kids and participants walk around the baseball field taking pictures, and enjoying themselves.

The Buddy Walk is not just local, it goes on around the United States. NHS attended for Curtis Herman, a child born with Downs syndrome, that attends Jackson-Milton High School. They made signs for Curtis, and walked next to him.

Kent Gross, an NHS participant with Curtis, loved the walk. He explains, “It was impactful and eye opening seeing how we can make a difference in something so small as just walking around for a good cause.” Also, he says, “Walking around with Curtis made me think of how fortunate I am in life with everything that I was blessed with and get the opportunity to do.”

Many people take life for granted, and don’t see how some adults and kids have to live life on a daily basis. These kids struggle, but no matter what, they love each and every person out there. These kids are some of the least judgmental people you may ever meet.

Bailey Estes, another friend of Curtis who attended, states, “The Buddy Walk was a wonderful experience that I am so glad I got to be a part of. I’m very happy I was able to witness all of the people who make such a difference in our community.”

As you can see, The Buddy Walk is a fantastic event that benefits kids and adults with Downs syndrome.