JM Blue Jays set New Years Resolutions

Shane Davis

 January starts a new and fresh start for some. After the holidays people look forward to the start of their New Years Resolutions. At JM there seemed to be a common theme, here’s what they had to say:
Joey Williams wants to “get a 4.0.”
Megan Fultz would like to “continue doing good in school.”
Justin Popsin wants to “work more and get more money.”
Nick Rich stated, “My new year resolution is to work out more and keep my grades up.”
Alyssa Deak wants “to keep up on my grades, aim for straight A’s, be more respectful and kinder to others, and to try my hardest in everything I do.”
Lynzi Satterlee will “focus more on myself.”
Emily Mcphee wants “To be more productive in school and do my homework.”
Shane Davis has decided to “get my grades up and be a more productive person.”
Frank Prozy will “be the best I can be and more.”
Megan Finnie would like to “go to the gym 5 days a week.”
Grace McDevitt said, “My New Years resolution is to go to the gym and workout more so I can become stronger for all my upcoming sports.”
Abby Spalding is planning to “work more on basketball.”
Sadie Christoff will “stop drinking pop and eating fast food.”
Mike French said, “It is to surround myself with good and positive people who won’t bring me down.”
Anthony Pizzuto wants to “make it to Planet Fitness more often.”
Logan Firby said, “My New Years resolution is to raise all my 4 power lifts by 50 pounds by the end of the year and to gain 15 pounds for football and get straight A’s”
Dana Saunders wants “to focus more on school and study more.”
Jake Fay said, “I just want to get bigger in the weight room and get better at football.”
Alexa Wilcox said she wants “to work better in school and work towards being a better cheerleader.”
Chloe Gaston plans “to actually finish my homework before school instead of doing it in study hall the next morning.”
Jenna Jones plans to “work out more, mostly legs.”
Gracie Assion is planning to “work out 5-6 days a week.”
Bri Shannon also would like to “go to Planet Fitness more often.”
Brian Royea plans to “lose weight” as part of his healthy resolution.
Joey Keller wants to “make the play offs for football and get stronger.”

Good luck to everyone on reaching their goals!