Coping with academic stress


Allyssa Simmers

Dealing with stress as a high school student is very common amongst schools everywhere.  Academics, social situations, extracurriculars, and family issues are all contributing factors to the stress high schoolers face.  Common symptoms teens face while being stressed include headaches, low energy, anxiety, and depression. Stress can often be a motivator as well.  When a student is stressed about a test grade affecting their overall grade, they may be motivated to push themselves harder and do their best. Many students’ families move during or between school years, meaning the student must enroll in a new school district.  This can cause a lot of anxiety as it is all new people and a new environment.

Coping with stress is possible in many forms.  When short time periods of stress occur, there are solutions to minimize the amount of stress and how long it lasts.  Working out may release negative or nervous energy and boost self-esteem and confidence. A healthier diet, getting enough sleep, and balancing time between school work and socializing are all positive actions to less stress.  Breaking yourself off from a stressful situation is also effective. Yoga and breathing exercises can both be found on platforms such as YouTube as a stress management technique. Reaching out to teachers, mentors, or friends to talk about issues or thoughts may resolve some stress.  Many students face stress in schools across the world. With these simple techniques, managing it is just a footstep away.