JM Cheerleaders compete with the elite

Dana Saunders, Staff Writer

The Jackson-Milton High School cheerleaders are preparing for their upcoming cheer competition season.

On October 22nd, the high school cheerleaders performed at Pink Ribbon Cheer Classic at Youngstown State University. The cheerleaders won an award for raising over one thousand dollars. They won multiple awards including an award for “All Pinked Out” at a Youngstown State University basketball game on November 20th.

The girls will be cheering for basketball season and participating in competitions throughout the winter months.

Freshman, Karli Dillinger, gave a few insights on their upcoming season. She said, “It is like any other sport. You have your differences but you put them aside to work as a team and do what you are supposed to do.” Dillinger also gave a few insights on how they work together and prepare for their season. Karli said, “We have won a handful of competitions last season and we hope to have an even better season this year.”

Karli also stated her feelings about what it means to be a part of the squad, “It means a lot because I spend a good amount of time with my teammates and we need to get along to be able to be successful. Being a part of cheer is great overall knowing those girls will always have my back and we will always be a team.”

Good luck to the girls on the rest of their season!