Student Council sponsors first Blood Drive of the year

Joseph Williams, Staff Writer

The American Red Cross came to Jackson-Milton High School for blood donors.

The Red Cross was created many years ago in 1881 by a lady named Clara Barton. The American Red Cross supplies 45% of the nation’s blood supply. The organization supports more than 1,000 organizations across the United State’s. The Red Cross provides shelter, food, health and mental health services to help families and entire communities recover from tragedies. The American Red Cross is also a non-profit organization.

The Blood Drive for our school was from Tuesday, October 10th, 8:30 am until 2:00 pm in the High School Gym.

Allyssa Simmers, Kobie Southwick, Nate Morrow, Josh Demiski, Ashley Cameron, Grace Assion, Michael Liberato, Josh Spaulding, Bailey Estes, Courtney Mercer, Ryan Staton, Anthony Terranova, Garrik Catania, Taylor Hayes, Hannah Pietro, Michaelina Terranova, and Katie Mitchell are all members of student council and are helping during the Blood Drive.

One person donating blood can save up to 3 people. Some other interesting facts include the following:  people with Type AB blood can only have another person’s blood  that matches Type AB,  the average time it takes to give blood is around 8-10 minutes, and there are 3 double red donors.

Miss Amendolara, the student council advisor, explained the jobs.  Canteen helps pass out snacks and water. The second job is Comforter that helps keep the donor calm. The third job is to setup and tear down all the equipment necessary for the event.

Overall there are 2 shifts to help. Another fact is that every pint of blood raises money for scholarships for 2 seniors. There are only 2 Blood Drives that come to our school, one in October one in February.

Sierra Fife is one of the Student Council members that helps during the blood drive. Sierra Fife states, “I saw many people donate today, I comforted them while they donated blood to help others.”