New Class: Graphic Novel Design
October 13, 2017
The Graphic Novel Design class is new this school year to allow those students who enjoy comics, graphic novels, and anime to explore various authors and different types of formats.
Graphic Novel Design is a program where students will read and make their own comics or graphic novels. Graphic Novel is where students create stories using their creative minds. These creative stories can be drawn by hand or done using a computer. Graphic novels are usually longer than comics, but still hold similar components dealing with plot, settings, and characters. Novels are usually long fictional works, but graphic novels are applied broadly and has fiction, nonfiction, and authorized work.
This 1st semester class is strictly for freshmen and sophomores. Then 2nd semester will include juniors and seniors.
When asked what they have done in class, Raenah Rader replied, “I made a graphic novel by myself, took notes on graphic novel terminology as a class. We also described what a graphic novel was using venn-diagrams, and we are currently working on a graphic novel with my group about homecoming”. One of the books she has read is and anime, “Nightschool The Weirn Books.”
Brianna Shannon said, “I personally like and enjoy it. It’s simple but gets your mind going on ideas.” The graphic novel she read is, “Faith Erin Hicks: Friends with Boys.”
From these projects students learned the structures of a graphic novel.