Camp Fitch is fun for all!


Zachary Meadows, Staff Writer

Camp Fitch is well known place for kids in 5th grade to take a field trip to. At Jackson-Milton, people volunteer for the purpose of helping out one another on the field trip. Officer Sosnosky has gone to Camp Fitch for the past 2 years. He has many interests in Camp Fitch, his favorite hobby at Camp Fitch is to teach the Challenge Course/Developing Team Work.

Jackson-Milton usually goes around winter, but in 2016 they changed it to the spring due to the weather conditions. They’re planning on sticking with the spring route due to the great weather. Camp Fitch is a place for kids in 4-5th grade to get out of their comfort zone, and learn more about himself. Camp Fitch has a lot of great classes from survival to crafting.

After interviewing a student who went to Camp Fitch when he was in 5th grade, Travis Tikkanen said, “Yes Camp Fitch is a great experience, and you learn a lot about yourself and it is really fun especially to connect with the kids.” Travis now volunteers at Camp Fitch due to him enjoying it as a child. He enjoys hanging out with the kids and teaching them skills.