SADD celebrates the holidays in style

January 13, 2017
Jackson-Milton SADD plans annual Christmas activities just like they do for Halloween, prom and other events that happen during the school year. For Christmas they did three different things to celebrate, not only for fun but also to raise money.
SADD took members down to the elementary school to sing Christmas carols to the younger children in preschool.
They also hosted “Ugly Sweater Day” for the students in the high school. The kids were to wear their ugliest sweater to school and show it off. Students who did not participate could wear any festive clothing they had.
Lastly the students in grades 7-12 had the option to wear pajamas to school. Every student that did it had to pay a dollar to wear them and the money was collected by the officers of SADD. The reason the money was collected was because Jackson-Milton wants to get a school speaker for the week of Prom Promise to talk to the kids and this money will help secure that speaker.
Jackson-Milton holds these events, not only for fun, but also to benefit the school with special things. Not only are the students at Jackson-Milton having fun while doing the activities that SADD puts on, in the the end it helps the whole school.