Pluto’s Ice: Is there life under there?
February 16, 2017
Researchers now suspect that there is life under Pluto’s ice. Not any life that can be seen by the naked eye, but subatomic life that will slowly turn into knowledgable life forms like you and me. As said on Could there be life in Pluto’s ocean? by Diana Lutz
“Pluto is thought to possess a subsurface ocean, which is not so much a sign of water as it is a tremendous clue that other dwarf planets in deep space also may contain similarly exotic oceans, naturally leading to the question of life, said one co-investigator with NASA’s New Horizon mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt.”
I believe that there is absolutely other life forms out in the universe other than on earth. If we are able to find small particles of life on Pluto then it would just turn this thought into fact.
As our own Jackson-Milton science teacher Mr.Mohr says, “Statistics say that we cannot be the only living things in the galaxy, we have found life living in some very harsh living conditions like in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park” So yes, it is very possible for living things to be under Pluto’s ice but it will take years before we ever find out.