December fundraisers taste great and save money

Anthony Eppendorfer, Staff Writer

Jackson-Milton currently has two running fundraisers going on in December. There is a fundraiser for the freshman class to sell coupon books. The coupons in these books have coupons for many useful places for everyday use. Anyone who buys the coupon book for $25 has access to up to $20 dollars off of a $100 dollar purchase at Dicks Sporting Goods, $20 off of a regular oil change at Midas, and savings from area restaurants, movie theaters, clothing stores and more.. There are also great deals on food in the book, such as a free appetizer at Olive Garden after buying two adult entrees.

However, the book isn’t just for good deals at places that most people go, it is good for the Class of 2020. Earlier in the year, the freshman class had also sold candy which is all being collected in an account to help pay for prom, senior picnic, and senior shirts when the time comes. Both of the freshman’s fundraisers that the freshman class had done were advised by Mrs. Morelli.

The sophomores are also doing a fundraiser for chocolate bars that is used for the same reason. The chocolate bars are from Philidelphia candies and cost $1 each.  All of the money that is collected from the chocolate sales will go into an account that will help pay for their prom and upcoming senior events. The sophomore fundraiser is being advised by Miss Bauman, the sophomore class adviser and 10th/11th grade English teacher.