Jackson-Milton Veterans Day Assembly 2016

Pastor Jack Acri addresses the community
November 28, 2016

On November 11th Jackson-Milton held a Veterans Day assembly to honor the veterans that serve or have served in the many United States branches of military. This event is organized by Mrs. Reyes and the guest speaker this year was community member, pastor, and veteran Jack Acri.
It started of by Mr. Vega greeting the students and the veterans that had joined JM that day. It was followed by the Presentation of Colors that was performed by the American Legion Post 737.
This was shortly followed by “ What Does the Pledge of Allegiance Mean?” presented by Heather Kirk and Aleesa Whitney. After that presentation, all the students, staff, and veterans had performed the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the Star Spangled Banner was played by the students of the Jackson-Milton band, directed by Derrick Kittle.
A speech was done by Leona Stout, this was called “ A Tribute to Veterans.” The Jackson-Milton band played, “ God Bless the Usa.” Maddie Garland and Tiffany Voland had done the hand salute, this was to show respect for the freedoms we have and why we have them.
This year was special because we had a guest speaker, but the guest speaker had graduated from Jackson-Milton and had gone on to serve his country. Pastor Jack Acri shared a story about when he was serving in the military. He stressed the importance of trusting in both faith and scienc,e giving a “shout out” to Mr. Mohr and Mrs. Yantes.
Mackenzie Martin had presented, “ Thank you veterans.” This was to show how thankful we all are to the soldiers that keep us safe. The Jackson-Milton band and Johnathon Voland had done the, “Armed Service Melody.” During this Johnathon would call out a branch of military and the band would play it along with the veterans standing for their respected branch.
Anthony Morelli had done, “The Soldier” which was about a soldier and his life. This reading was special to Anthony because it was a poem written by his grandfather who had served in the Army.
Miss Amendolara had created a slideshow where it showed relatives of students that are or have been in the military. This slideshow included music and video as well.
Kelsie Daff had followed the video with a poem called, “ Flanders Fields.” This was followed up by Jessica Lanham with, “ America’s Answer to Flanders Fields.”
Elena Jones followed with her presentation of, “ Eulogy of a veteran.” The assembly was then completed with a moment of silence, playing of TAPS, and the retirement of the colors by the American Legion Post 737.
A luncheon provided by student council followed the assembly and all community members were invited to attend. This meaningful event is important to the students, staff, and community members. A great deal of planning and work goes into each aspect of the assembly and it is always an excellent way to appreciate our veterans.