JM will rock Socktober this October

October 17, 2016
The class of 2017, along with JMES librarian Mrs. Vega, is holding a sock drive for October called, “Socktober, a national sole warming movement.” This drive is intended to increase sock donations because socks are the most in demand, but least donated, for shelters.
This year JM aims to change this and give as many socks as they can for donation. Every sock donated will go to the Alliance Domestic Violence Shelter in Alliance, Ohio. All you have to do is bring in a new pair of socks, in any size, to donate them to your first period class. There is a collection box in each room.
Any student from the elementary school who donated will be put into a raffle to win free books from the November book fair. Any student from the middle/high school who donated the most in their homeroom will win a doughnut party.
The schools collected 1,076 pairs of socks that will be donated to the Alliance Domestic Violence shelter.