Students Against Destructive Decisions

October 11, 2016
SADD is a group that students have the option to join when they are in grades 9-12. The main goal in the group is to promote positive choices in all areas of life. They usually have about 50-60 kids, this year they have 53 committed students willing to do work. This year’s officers are President Sierra Huff, Vice-president Josh Spalding, Secretary Anthony Morelli, and new Treasurer Alyssa Deak.
The students in SADD have quite a lot on their plate. For example, they are the ones responsible for Prom Promise, Red Ribbon Week, Christmas caroling and much more.
Every year to start off SADD they usually do a Suicide Prevention Walk. This walk happens at Mill Creek in Youngstown to try and prevent anyone who may be feeling depressed and upset from going to the next level and taking their own life.
One of the examples listed is Red Ribbon Week. This is done every year and started from a non-profit organization in 1980 by handful of concerned and determined parents who were convinced they should begin to play a leadership role in drug prevention. Ever since 1980 Jackson-Milton has also played a role in Red Ribbon Week. They go to the elementary to speak to the kids about drug prevention and give out ribbons to try and have the kids remember the things they said.
SADD has a strong impact on the students of Jackson-Milton, not only do they go to the elementary school to spread awareness they also make it very known in the high school. Another thing that is important to the group is Prom Promise Week. The overall reason for Prom Promise Week is so that the students attending prom know how to get to and leave prom safely.
They do activities such as the grim reaper activity, this is an activity where people get randomly picked and are given an obituary that could happen to anyone. For example, they would go on the announcements and announce that “so and so” had gotten killed while replying to a text. This shows the students that anything could happen at any time so they should pay attention and follow the careful laws and precautions of the road.
Overall, SADD is a very useful group at Jackson-Milton not only is it fun, but it spreads awareness for good decision making.