Google Classroom

Scan code for Mr. Mohr’s class
October 3, 2016
Jackson-Milton has started using an app called Google Classroom. Google Classroom is an app that was created for teachers to interact and transfer information, such as homework, notes, and missing assignments that students are able to view or edit. These assignments are graded and stored and helps the teachers with grading and tracking missing work.
Teachers are given access to communication with students and can post announcements to class streams, which allows students to view and comment, opening communication to any members of the class who choose to partake in it.
Google Classroom is good for sharing resources in and out of class. The app also allows the teachers hook up class discussions and can catch students up on late work.
Miss Mcree uses the app very regularly with her Fashion classes. She will use it to upload notes and assignments for anyone and everyone to see, in case a student didn’t get a chance to write any of the notes due to absences or otherwise. She will post notes and vocabulary for her students to look back on and study and/or write in their notebooks.
Many of the teachers throughout the building are utilizing this app in their courses.
Google classroom is a very useful app and it will be used to help students and teachers this school year.